Ascom teleCARE IP is a uniquely comprehensive portfolio of products for assisted living, long-term and acute-care settings. Modular and flexible, it lets you customize alert, messaging, monitoring and wander management solutions—helping you meet today’s high expectations for truly personalized responses.
Residents, patients and their families know alerts will always be responded to.
Carers can use their smartphones to determine if they need to personally check on a patient/resident alert.
Decentralized IP architecture minimizes single points of failure, enhancing system continuity.
Alerts and messages are automatically routed to colleagues until there is an appropriate response.
Works with Ascom software to deliver end-to-end compatibility. Easily scales from single wards/departments to multi-site operations.
Gathers data for the reporting and analysis needed for continuous improvement and compliance.
Secure messaging and alert management help optimize care quality and staff responses. Integrates with other clinical data systems such as care management and EPR/EMR. Lets staff capture and share clinical data at the point of care.
Brings IP to individual rooms for operational continuity. Runs on and integrates with existing IT networks. Allows flexible configuration and remote management. Easily scalable to match changing needs.
Automatically logs key operational data such as bed occupancy rates and response times to help optimize care delivery and patient/resident satisfaction. Integrates with existing systems to gather and access data needed for regulatory compliance—in a single facility or across a group.
Ascom telecare IP will reduce falls, and the fear among some individuals that they might fall. It will help keep residents mobile and give them increased confidence and the sense of self-worth that is so important.